A Certified Cash Flow Specialist™ is uniquely trained to build and create that plan for you: giving you a clear path to your goals, designed with the money you already have.
I became a financial advisor as I experienced financial hardship at a young age by not having the proper safety nets in place. Financial stress is the worst stress out there so I thrive in insuring that no one has to go through the same thing I did.
As your cash flow advisor I know what it is like living paycheck to paycheck and then direct deposit to direct deposit. It is extremely hard to pay down your debt when you have no clue how to unify and save on interest.
I was misled numerous times with how to structure my cash flow not because I was ignorant but because I was uneducated. We are truly unaware of the tools available to us which is why I started to offer cash flow plans as a complimentary service to all my clients. This allows you to get more from your money; while keeping in perspective your goals, dreams and things of importance to you.
My goal is to travel the world and start a family.
Debt restructure and repayment, mortgage repayment, retirement planning, savings plans.